PLASTICS Welcomes New Team Member


We’ve seen many great changes to the Plastics Industry Association thus far in 2017. Another great announcement from the association was made last week, as they will be welcoming a new team member.

Stephen Petrakis will be joining the Plastics Industry Association on April 17th, 2017 as the new Vice President of the equipment council.

Stephen Petrakis is a veteran of the Plastics Industry with over 40 years of experience. His past experiences include:

Stephens family has dedicated their careers to the plastics industry, with a father who was a plastic engineer and a daughter who is also well vested in the industry.

“Plastics has been good to my family, and this opportunity to join PLASTICS allows me to serve the entire industry and do what I can to make it better,” he said. Stephen Petrakis.

A few words from the Plastics Industry Association CEO,  Bill Carteaux:

“The Equipment Council is at the core of the plastics industry, this invaluable council works hard to ensure the safety of our industry’s 954,000 employees and will be well led by an expert like Steve Petrakis.”

Congratulations Stephen, we’re excited to see what changes you bring to the association!

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